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IT Sonix is dedicated to supporting social projects

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IT Sonix is involved in social projects in cooperation with three Leipzig schoolchildren The 13th “genial sozial – deine Arbeit gegen Armut” (Brilliantly social – your work against poverty) campaign day and the “Dein Tag für Afrika” (Your day for Africa) day took place throughout Saxony on 20 and 21 June 2017 respectively.

On these days, students Josephine, Albert and Konrad also swapped their school desks for a job in our company. We donated €10.00 per hour per pupil to each of the projects. As well as gaining an insight into the different areas of responsibility at IT Sonix, the students had the opportunity to test the VR game “Konrad the Kitten”, which we developed, and to actively support us in the preparation of this year’s Commerzbank company run.

We would like to thank our three industrious helpers and look forward to next year’s event.

Josephine reports on her day with us: “I had a fantastic and interesting day at IT Sonix as part of the “genial sozial” project. I designed funny hats for the company run. I also got to test a new game with the VR glasses. The idea was to look after a cat and play with it. The glasses made it very real. I really enjoyed the game because I like cats and also have a pet cat at home. Thank you very much for a lovely day.”