Emerging developments away from the IT landscape Recently, we renewed our sponsorship of the SC DHfK floorball club.
Last Saturday, at the first home game of this year, we were able to get a first-hand impression of the club's excellent work as well as the team's sporting performance.
The SC DHfK's 1st Bundesliga team played its first match of the year in their home the Sporthalle am Rabet. As a sponsor of the club, we naturally could not miss this gripping live event.
In a thrilling city derby, the SC DHfK floorballers only just lost 9:10 to MFBC Leipzig, who were second in the ranking.
Until a few seconds before the end, the game looked like a surprise victory for our team. Both teams delivered themselves and the audience in the sold-out home arena a combative high-class floorball game. With technically convincing combinations and intense duels, the "derby neighbours" were visibly surprised and had little to offer in the first two periods. Unfortunately, towards the end of the match, with a bit of luck on the part of the opponent, the game was given away. The audience could hardly keep their seats for the last few minutes. This underlines the growing attractiveness of floorball. We are proud of our team!
The club offers floorball for every age group - from youngsters to the oldie team! In addition to the Bundesliga, SC DHfK's main focus is on youth development. Sustainable team development and youth development are cornerstones of a successful organisation and have a positive impact on society. As IT Sonix, it is important to us to support and drive up-and-coming developments with top quality, whether in sports or elsewhere.
Still no relation to the exciting sport? Then more under: www.floorball-leipzig.de